Anytime you see the flashing lights of a police car behind you, your blood pressure probably rises. You may not know why an officer is pulling you over and you aren’t sure how to react. What you may not realize is that how you handle your traffic stop can impact if...
Year: 2020
How can I best uncover my spouse’s hidden assets ahead of our divorce?
Divorce has a way of bringing out the worst in some spouses. It's not uncommon for high-income earning husbands or wives facing divorce to hide assets, even though it's illegal for them to do so. There are various ways in which spouses do this. Where your spouse may...
How is property divided in an Ohio divorce?
Going through a divorce can seem overwhelming. Not only are you processing your emotions surrounding the end of your marriage, you and your spouse have to split your assets and come to a child custody agreement. You might wonder what Ohio’s approach to dividing...
How prosecutors decide whether to charge you with simple or aggravated assault
It's never ideal to be facing criminal charges. It can help for you to know more about the offenses prosecutors charged you with, though. Understanding what distinguishes simple from aggravated assault charges may shape the defense strategies you pursue in your case....
Was that police stop even legal?
You’re facing drug charges or OVI charges after a traffic stop. The police claim you had drugs in the car or that you were actively under the influence while driving. These are serious allegations that are going to change your life. One important thing to consider is...
Using your right to remain silent during an OVI/DUI traffic stop
Most everyone knows about their right to remain silent thanks to the prevalence of law enforcement encounters in popular media. Almost everyone has seen a movie or a television show where a character gets arrested and read their Miranda Rights. However, many people...
What can you do if your ex won’t follow the parenting plan?
Whether you recently filed for divorce and have a temporary custody order or have already finalized your divorce and have a final court order regarding custody, you and your ex have a legal obligation to comply with the term set by the courts. Unfortunately, your ex...
Unique property division concerns for high-asset couples in Ohio
Property division in a divorce can be a tense process even for couples who haven't been married for long or acquired much during their marriage. For couples who have spent decades together and who have substantial assets and complex financial holdings, divorce may be...
What issues should you address in your Ohio parenting plan?
Finding a way to split up the parental role that you once shared fully with your spouse during a divorce can be difficult. It is common for former spouses to disagree strongly about what is the optimal custody arrangement for their children and to expect that the...