An Aggressive Litigator On Your Side

Experienced Criminal Defense Representation For Bridgetown North

The criminal justice system can feel stacked against the accused. Your only chance at fair treatment from police, prosecutors and judges is to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Without proper representation, you risk unjust penalties and a wrongfully tarnished reputation that affects your professional career and ability to borrow money for a house or car. That’s where we come in.

At DeBra Law, LLC, we provide aggressive litigation for those facing criminal charges. Attorney Ryan DeBra stands out as a criminal defense attorney who is actually willing to take cases to trial. With over a decade of experience, he is attentive to his clients’ needs and always honest with them.

Types Of Criminal Cases We Handle

We handle a wide range of criminal cases, ensuring you receive the defense you deserve. As your Bridgetown criminal lawyer, we represent clients in cases involving:

  • OVI/DUI: Get skilled OVI defense to protect your driving privileges and minimize harsh penalties.
  • Domestic violence: We provide strong defense strategies for those accused of domestic violence and at risk of losing their home and their relationship with their children.
  • Fraud: Defend against fraud charges, such as identity theft, wire fraud and mail fraud.
  • Underage consumption: Protect your future with a defense against underage drinking charges.
  • Assault: We handle assault cases with a focus on protecting your rights.
  • Sex crimes: Robust defense against sex crime accusations.
  • Theft or burglary: We offer legal defense for theft and burglary charges.
  • Drug possession or sale: Fight drug charges with our experienced legal support.
  • Juvenile crimes: We defend minors in juvenile court to secure their future.
  • Restraining orders: Contest restraining orders with our legal assistance.
  • Other felonies: We handle some of the most serious felony charges with proven strategies.
  • Other misdemeanors: Receive representation for various misdemeanor charges.

Bridgetown Criminal Defense FAQ

If you have been arrested and charged with a crime recently, you naturally will have a lot of questions about how the criminal justice system works and what rights you have. Here are general answers to some of our clients’ most frequently asked questions:

Can the police search me when I am walking down the street?

The police have the right to pat you down over your clothing to theoretically protect themselves by determining if you are carrying a weapon. Other than that, the police generally cannot search your body or other items you are carrying without your consent or a valid search warrant.

What is the legal limit for alcohol for driving in Ohio?

Ohio law sets the legal blood alcohol content for drivers at .08%. If you get pulled over and test higher than that, you will be charged with DUI, or OVI as it is called in Ohio. A BAC higher than .17% can lead to enhanced penalties. To compare, a first OVI offense with a BAC between .08% and .17% carries a mandatory jail sentence of three to 180 days, a fine of $375 to $1,075 and possible further penalties that are up to the judge’s discretion, such as having to put an ignition interlock and “party plates” on your car. A BAC higher than .17% doubles the minimum jail sentence to six days and requires party plates for your vehicle

What are the penalties for a first-time domestic violence offense in Ohio?

Most of the time, domestic violence is a first-degree misdemeanor if the defendant has no prior convictions, though the charge can rise to a fourth-degree misdemeanor or even a fourth-degree felony, depending on the details of what you are accused of doing. In Ohio, a first-degree misdemeanor carries a maximum of six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. However, the judge could instead place you on probation, order you to undergo anger management treatment, drug or alcohol counseling, or other alternatives to jail.

In addition to criminal penalties, you might also be bound by a protection order that prevents you from contacting your children or other relatives. Your defense attorney can help you with both the criminal and civil aspects of your case.

How can I defend myself against domestic violence charges?

Depending on the facts of your case, one or more common defenses could be available to you. These include:

  • The alleged victim made false accusations against you
  • You acted in self-defense due to a reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm
  • You and the alleged victim were engaging in consensual activity
  • Lack of evidence to prove the charge beyond a reasonable doubt

Used strategically, defenses like these can often get the charge against you dismissed or reduced to a lower level crime, perhaps as part of a plea bargain.

When should I invoke my right to an attorney?

As soon as possible, preferably before the police start to interrogate you. That should shut down the interrogation process until you can contact your defense attorney and have them meet you. Your right to counsel includes having your attorney present at police questioning. Your lawyer can ensure the police do not violate your rights and that you act with a sound defense strategy.

Contact DeBra Law, LLC

If you need a Bridgetown North criminal defense attorney who will fight for you, contact us as soon as possible after your arrest. Our experienced team will provide the strong defense you need for OVI defense, domestic violence and other criminal charges. Call 513-548-5920 to schedule a free consultation with Ryan.