What Are Your Questions About Criminal Charges In Ohio?
Being arrested and accused of a crime can feel traumatic and overwhelming. You undoubtedly have many questions, but you don’t have to go through this alone.
At DeBra Law, LLC, Cincinnati criminal attorney Ryan DeBra has over 10 years of experience in defending people across the region. As a trial attorney, he’s used to developing new strategies on the fly as circumstances change. But he wouldn’t be able to be so effective if he didn’t have an extensive working knowledge of Ohio criminal law. He’s here to answer your questions and guide you through this difficult time in your life.
Should I talk to the police?
No – not until you have secured strong and capable representation from an experienced criminal lawyer in Cincinnati. Remember, police and prosecutors are not on your side. Everything you say to police or investigators could be used against you or others, and you should assume that every question that police ask you is designed to build a criminal case against you. Whether you are simply being detained or you have already been arrested, exercise your constitutional right to remain silent and request to speak with an attorney at DeBra Law, LLC.
I think the police violated my rights. What are my options?
In many cases, criminal charges are reduced or dismissed because police failed to follow the correct procedure or otherwise violated the defendant’s rights. If you believe your rights were violated, we can investigate your case and determine the best course of action for protecting your rights and future.
Two of the most common examples of rights violations by police are unlawful traffic stops and unlawful search and seizure. Criminal cases may also be dropped if evidence is tainted or otherwise faulty, sobriety tests are unreliable, or police used unlawful force or coercion to obtain evidence or a confession. In any case, talk to us as soon as possible if you believe your rights were violated before, during or after your arrest.
Should I go to trial?
The answer to this question will depend entirely on the specific facts of your case, as well as the prosecution’s willingness to negotiate. The vast majority of criminal cases are resolved in the pretrial phase. That means the case does not proceed to a jury trial and is either dismissed or leads to a plea agreement.
If the best way to protect your rights and interests is to take your case to trial, our criminal defense trial lawyer will not hesitate to fight for you. He can assess your specific situation and help you determine whether a plea deal or a trial is the best option for you.
One thing to understand about DeBra Law, LLC, is that we always make our cases trial-ready – because that is the best way to build the strongest possible case for our clients. A strong, well-prepared, trial-ready case has a much greater chance of success than a case that is not ready for a possible trial.
Contact Us At DeBra Law, LLC Today
To arrange a free and confidential consultation, please call us at 513-548-5920 or complete our contact form. DeBra Law, LLC, represents clients in Cincinnati and throughout Hamilton, Clermont and Warren counties and the surrounding areas.